Get Insights for Smarter Goal Setting

When you are planning how to spend your time, it’s important to quickly assess all the data insight you can.  Below we will show you a couple of helpful graphs from our recent introduction of our monthly online reporting system in Napa.  Here is what one Napa Founding Member is saying:

“Before all I had was hearsay but this confirms what I believed to be true with real numbers.  It (Community Benchmark) will either validate your strategy or tell you that you need to look at things differently.  

I’ve been wondering if we had the right bottle amount on wine club shipments, I thought we were a little low, but now I know we were leaving a lot of food on the plate and I’ve already adjusted our wine club plan and there are lots of actionable items like this.”

If you’re interested in learning more, click here to schedule a call 

Why use Community Benchmark?

  • Discover Opportunity – We will find and quantify growth opportunities for your Tasting Room and/or Wine Club.
  • Be In the Know – Understand how your trends are the same and different than your peers.
  • Focus – Gain confidence on which Tasting Room/Wine Club goals to focus on and how high to set the bar.

We are not public yet, but we are accepting one more round of Founder Members.  If you are interested in gaining more personalized insights, please contact us for an invite.

2017 Club Conversion Rates & Visitors by Traffic Cohort



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