Break Free from Reporting Chaos
Managing a winery today means being flooded with data, yet still struggling to get the answers you need

The All-In-One Solution
Imagine a platform that delivers all the reports you need, tailored to your business.
Be Proactive
Stay ahead with daily automations and notifications.
Spot potential issues before they become problems and keep on track
Save TImE
Reclaim valuable staff hours through automation.
Shift away from manual processes to strategic actions that drive sales.
Ignite Your Team
Deliver clear engaging goal visualizations.
Inspire your team to exceed expectations.

As Management Professionals We Know One Thing:
Goals matter
But an infrequent, clunky, or cumbersome goals process will undermine even the best strategies.
Modern performance management is about increasing the frequency and quality of communication between our team. It’s about setting expectations, aligning around goals, or delivering actionable feedback.
Every additional hurdle—manual reporting, outdated tools, or misaligned data—slows communication and jeopardizes success.
Introducing our Goal Positioning System (GPS)

Goals matter
But an infrequent, clunky, or cumbersome goals process will undermine even the best strategies.
Modern performance management is about increasing the frequency and quality of communication between our team. It’s about setting expectations, aligning around goals, or delivering actionable feedback.
Every additional hurdle—manual reporting, outdated tools, or misaligned data—slows communication and jeopardizes success.
Goals Streamlined
Ditch the spreadsheets and elevate your team with tailored technology.
Stay focused on what matters most:
Less reporting. More selling.
Immediately see …
Exactly what is needed
Where you should be
You’re predicted result
For any goal, any time frame
Revolutionize Your Reporting with Our Game-Changing Software

Identify Top Performers
Easily find out who are the top sales associates, popular SKU’s, bestselling products, and more. Discover the success stories that will inspire and motivate your team.
Streamline Goal Management & Forecasting
Streamline Goal Management & Forecasting – Simply set your annual goals and let our calculation engine provide you with monthly targets based on past performance. Update automatically throughout the year, giving you a clear picture of your adjusted targets and progress at all times.
Ignite Team Engagement
Effortlessly automate and personalize updates sent to your team on your desired schedule. Share achievements, outstanding performers, and progress to inspire and motivate your team.
Experience the Power of Data Visualization
Quickly uncover and interpret essential metrics and trends with our user-friendly and visual reports.
Products & Plans
Operational Reporting Pricing
Fully automate your internal reporting to maximize the time available for taking action.
Your Data. Your Way. Essential data visualizations and team engaged goal management workflows.
Starting at
$399 / monthbilled monthly
billed annually
Free tool plus
- Goal Positioning System
- Unlimited Goals & Timeframes
- Email automation
- Team Sharing
- KPI Details
- Leaderboard Sorting
- Geographics & Demographics
- Full SKU Reporting
- Full Sales Associate Reporting
- Customizeable & Custom Reports
*Cost shown does not include the required, one-time Onboarding fee of $199.

Community Benchmark Pricing
“With Community Benchmark As Your Guide, Learn the new possible and discover hidden sales opportunities.”
Compare your trends to the trend in your area and state.
Benchmarks & Trends
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- vs. Neighborhood
Compare to your peers most like you.
Benchmarks & Trends
- All Regional Plan Features
- Choose 5 Peers
All access pass to Explore all states, regions and segments.
Benchmarks & Trends
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- All Cohort Plan Features
- Additional Top Performers Cohort
- Choose Any State, Region, Neighborhood
- Segment by:
- Price
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- Monthly Visitors
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Start growing today with Community Benchmark’s free tool.
*Tools are free if you are a member of a Sponsoring Association
FREE | Operational
- DTC Summary
- Key Metrics
- Revenue By Channel
- Unlimited Goals (Yearly Only)
- Sales Leader Boards
FREE | Benchmarking
- DTC Metrics & Trends
- Monthly Reports
- vs. State
- vs. Region
- vs. Neighborhood