You asked for it, and we heard you! We’ve added our first filter for Visitor Style: Public or By Appointment.

Open the new Community Filters menu on the Community Benchmark dashboard, make a selection and start filtering your Community data set based on Visitor Style. You’ll see the number of tasting rooms in the filtered data set, and the numbers in your graphs and tables below will reflect the filter you’ve selected.


Manage by your metrics: The more specific and focused you are on defining your peer set, the more you can learn about where you stand.

Breaking down your region by Visitor Style lets you dive in to things like your number of guests, since smaller wineries tend to allow for less visitation. Bottle prices tend to be higher while visitor counts tend to be lower at By Appointment establishments, so comparing your average Sale per Purchase, your Visitor Conversion, and your Total Sales is more meaningful with this new filter.

Club Conversion and Purchase Conversion also give greater insight, since By Appointment wineries have a more captive and vetted audience, whereas Public wineries see more traffic and guests who are there to taste or to experience the winery.

Public wineries produce significant revenue from Tastings and Non-Wine sales, while By Appointment wineries often solely profit from Wine Sales.

What other ways might this new filter help you dial in your peer set?

Take a spin and let us know how it affects your benchmarking!

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Want a tour of the system?  Request a demo today

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