The Insights and Results You Want.
The Data You Need.
Community Benchmark helps executive directors and their member wineries understand what’s truly driving incremental sales.
Click here to download the Case Study of our most recent partnership with the Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance.
Know Your Impact
Gain Credibility & Support
When armed with data, you’ll be able to demonstrate your impact to even the most skeptical of your members.
Bring New Ideas to the Table
Detailed data allows you to get insight on opportunities and stimulate new marketing and growth ideas.
Scale and Grow Your Initiatives
When you know what’s working and what’s not, you know which initiatives to support even more aggressively.
Community Benchmark for Destination Marketers
Insights for Destination Marketers
By providing Executive Directors insights, visualization and comparative analysis based on our unique aggregated data, Community Benchmark makes it possible for you to monitor the return on your regional development promotions and efforts. What’s working, and what’s not? Now you can measure the impact of your programs with real numbers and data, not just guesswork.
Aggregated Views
See the aggregated results of the participating wineries in your region and uncover performance drivers.
Benchmark Comparisons
Compare the performance of your region to the performance of similar regions to unlock insights on new growth strategies.
Insights for Wineries
Wineries can segment and visualize their own sales performance over time and compare it to aggregate and average performance of the region as a whole to understand what promotions truly drove incremental sales.
Data You Can Use
Both wineries and Executive Directors can access valuable data visualizations to help uncover performance trends and new opportunities.
Segmented Sales Data
See sales performance broken down across a number of channels.
Trend Lines
Identify and compare growth trends.
YoY Comparisons
Easily check your Year-over-Year performance.
Community Benchmark is used and trusted by more than 120 wineries already, and growing fast.
What Our Members Say
— Sean Hubbard, DTC Sales & Hospitality Manager, Grgich Hills

— Elizabeth Miller, Director of Winery Hospitality, Burgess Cellars
— Jessica Link, General Manager, Davis Estates